This page lists a small sample of some the papers that I have been reading and referencing so far for the project. These have informed my methodology since beginning the project and also provide context to the study. I plan to add to this as the project progresses but I welcome any recommendations or additions.
Qualitative Secondary Analysis
The references listed here include methodological refelctions on re-using qualitative data and some examples where this has been put into practice. Early debates about QSA were fairly polarised but now reflect much greater nuance.
Akerstrom, M., Jacobsson, K. and Wasterfors, D. (2004) Reanalysis of previously collected material. In: C. Seale, S. Silverman, J. F. Gubrium and G. Gobo (eds.) Qualitative Research Practice London: Sage. 314327.
Bishop, L. (2007) A reflexive account of reusing qualitative data: Beyond primary/secondary dualism, Sociological Research Online, 12 (3): doi: 10.5153/sro.1553.
Bornat, J. (2006) Secondary Analysis of One’s Own and Others’ Data. Paper given at: Practice and Ethics in Qualitative Longitudinal Research, ESRC seminar – 20 January, University of Leeds
Bornat, J., Bytheway, B., and Henwood, K. (2008) Report of meeting between Timescapes Men as Fathers and The Oldest Generation projects: University of Cardiff, 21st July 2008,, [Accessed 16/11/2015]
Bornat, J. and Bytheway, B. (2012) Working with different temporalities: archived life history interviews and diaries, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 15 (4): 291-299. doi:10.1080/13645579.2012.688312
Broom, A., Cheshire, L. and Emmison, M. (2009) Qualitative Researchers Understandings of their practice and the implications for data archiving and sharing, Sociology, 43 (6): 1163-1180. doi: 10.1177/0038038509345704
Coltart, C., Henwood, K. and Shirani, F. (2012) Qualitative Secondary Analysis in Austere Times: Ethical, Professional and Methodological Considerations, Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14 (1): Art 18.
Desmond, M. (2012) Disposable ties and the Urban Poor, American Journal of Sociology, 117 (5): 1295–1335.
Elliott, H., Brannen, J., Phoenix, A., Barlow, A., Morris, P., Smart, C., Smithson, J. and Bauer, E. (2013) Analysing qualitative data in groups: process and practice, NOVELLA Working Paper: Narrative Research in Action: Thomas Coram Research Unit.
Gillies, V. and Edwards, R. (2012) Working with archived classic family and community studies: Illuminating the past and present conventions around acceptable research practice, International Journal of Social Research methodology, 15, 321-330. doi:10.1080/13645579.2012.688323.
Gray, J., Geraghty, R. and Ralph, D. (2013) Young grandchildren and their grandparents: continuity and change across four birth cohorts, Families, Relationships and Societies, 2 (2):289-298.
Hammersley, M. (2010) Can we re-use qualitative data via secondary analysis? Notes on some terminological and substantive issues, Sociological Research Online, 15 (1). doi:10.5153/sro.2076.
Harden, J., Backett-Millburn, K., Hill, M. and MacLean, A. (2010) Oh, what a tangled web we weave: experiences of doing multiple perspectives research in families, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 13 (5): 441- 452.
Heaton, J. (1998) Secondary analysis of qualitative data, Social Research Update, Issue 22, University of Surrey.
Heaton, J. (2004) Reworking Qualitative Data, London: Sage..
Hinds, P. S., Vogel, R. J. and Clarke-Steffen, L. (1997) The Possibilities and Pitfalls of doing a secondary analysis of a qualitative data set, Qualitative Health Research, 7 (3): 408-424.
Holland, J. and Edwards, R. (2014) Introduction to Timescapes: Changing Relationships and Identities over the life course, in J. Holland and R. Edwards (eds.) In: Understanding Families Over Time: Research and Policy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, Chapter One, pp. 1 30.
Irwin, S. and Winterton, M. (2011) Debates in Qualitative Secondary Analysis: Critical Reflections, Timescapes Working Paper No. 4,, [Accessed, 18.03.2016]
Irwin, S., Bornat, J. and Winterton, M. (2012) Timescapes secondary analysis: comparison, context and working across datasets, Qualitative Research, 12 (1): 68 80.
Irwin, S. and Winterton, M. (2014) Gender and Work-Family Conflict: A Secondary Analysis of Timescapes Data, in Holland, J. and Edwards, R. (eds.) Understanding Families over Time: Research & Policy, Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 142-160.
Long-Sutehall, T., Sque, M. and Addington-Hall, J. (2010) Secondary analysis of qualitative data: a valuable method for exploring sensitive issues with an elusive population?, Journal of Research in Nursing, 6 (4): 335-344.
Mason, J. (2007) Re-Using Qualitative Data: on the Merits of Investigative Epistemology, Sociological Research Online, 12 (3). doi:10.5153/sro.1507
Mauthner N., Parry, O. and Backett-Milburn, K. (1998) The data are out there, or are they Implications for archiving and revisiting qualitative data, Sociology, 32 (4): 733-745.
Moore, N. (2007) (Re)-using Qualitative data?, Sociological Research Online, 12 (3).doi:10.5153/sro.1496
Neale, B. (2011) Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis in Social Research, Conference Paper,
Neale, B. and Bishop, L. (2012) The Timescapes Archive: a stakeholder approach to archiving qualitative longitudinal data, Qualitative Research, 12 (2): 53-65.
Neale, B. (2013) Adding Time to the Mix: Stakeholder ethics in Qualitative Longitudinal Research, Methodological Innovations Online, 8 (2): 6-20.
Men, masculinities and poverty
Bennett, K. and Daly, M. (2014) Poverty Through the Lens of Gender, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Bradshaw, J., Finch, N., Kemp, P., Mayhew, E. and Williams, J. (2003) Gender and poverty in Britain, Working paper series, no. 6, Equal Opportunities Commission, Manchester.
Daly, M. and Kelly, G. (2015) Families and Poverty: Everyday life on a low-income, Bristol: Policy Press.
Dermott, E. and Pantazis, C. (2014) Gender and poverty in Britain: changes and continuity between 1999 and 2012, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 22 (3): 253-269.
Fodor, E. (2006) A Different Type of Gender Gap: How women and Men Experience Poverty, East European Politics & Societies and Cultures, 20 (1): 14-39.
Goode, J. (2012) Brothers are doing it for themselves? Mens experiences of getting into and getting out of debt, The Journal of Socio-Economics, 41: 327-335.
McDowell, L. (2000) The Trouble with Men? Young People, Gender Transformations and the Crisis of Masculinity, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24 (1): 201-209.
Millar, J. (2007) The dynamics of poverty and employment: the contribution of qualitative longitudinal research to understanding transitions, adaptations and trajectories, Social Policy and Society, 6 (4): 533-544.
Neale, B., Lau Clayton, C., Davies, L. and Ladlow, L. (2015) Researching the Lives of Young Fathers: The Following Young Fathers Study and Dataset, Briefing Paper no. 8, [Accessed on 16/03/2016]
Ridge, T. (2009) Living with poverty: A review of the literature on childrens and families experiences of poverty, Department for Work and Pensions Research Report No 594,, [Accessed 22.03.2016]
Ruxton, S. (2002) Men, masculinities and poverty in the UK, London: Oxfam GB.
Strier, R., Sigad, L., Eisikovits, Z. and Buchbinder, E. (2014) Masculinity, Poverty and Work: The Multiple Constructions of Work among Working Poor Men, Journal of Social Policy, 43 (2): 331-349.
Ward, M. R. M. (2015) From Learning to Labouring: Working-Class Masculinities, Education and De-Industrialization, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Yeandle, S., Escott, K., Grant, L. and Batty, E. (2003) Women and Men Talking about Poverty, Working Paper series no. 7, Manchester: Equal Opportunities Commission.
Relevant Projects and web resources
Timescapes Archive and QL Knowledge Bank
Intergenerational Exchange – Information and outputs about the study conducted by team member Kahryn Hughes.
Following Young Fathers – Extensive information and outputs from the affiliated project.
Working across qualitative longitudinal datasets – Dr Susie Weller and Dr Emma Davidson has secured NCRM funding to explore the feasibility of conducting secondary analysis across all of the Timescapes datasets for developing substantive insights about the concepts of care and intimacy.